Nancy Fehrenbach, CFP®, CFA

Ways to Support Your Grandchildren Financially: A Guide for Grandparents

Being a grandparent brings many joys to your life. As a grandparent, you can provide love, impart wisdom, and potentially help financially. Beyond the five dollars I used...

Financial Date Night: Strengthening Your Relationship and Finances

Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, conversations about finances often take a back seat. Money ....

Creating a Picture for Retirement

While I have many more years to work, I am closer to retirement than further away from it. I have been fascinated to learn friends’ and clients’ choices for their retirement ....

Lifestyle Creep

In the pursuit of a comfortable and fulfilling life, many individuals find themselves succumbing to a subtle but insidious phenomenon known as lifestyle creep. ...

What I Wish My Younger Self Knew

As my own children move into adulthood, I am stopping to think about what advice they could use early on and what would they listen to starting out on their own.....

The Right Career Move

Whether actively sought or just a passing moment of frustration, almost everyone has thought about whether to look for a new job. Millions of Americans participated in the Great Resignation...

Goals For The Good Life

The recently published book, The Good Life, written by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, delves into the concept of happiness. It is based on the findings of the Harvard...

How to Talk to Your Adult Children About Your Estate Plan by Nancy Fehrenbach, CFP®, CFA

Estate planning is a topic that is important to discuss but many people avoid talking about it with loved ones. We don’t want to bring up the difficult topics of declining...

Inflation and a Financial Plan by Nancy Fehrenbach, CFP®, CFA

You cannot turn on the TV or read a newspaper without seeing articles talking about inflation lately. While you may hear economic data reported from time to time...

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